Sacred Sexuality 

Private Sessions

2024 UPDATE:

I have retired from private sessions. See more about the Book and BCST sessions at those tabs.

Much love and blessings to you :-)

Love in Action

"What we ultimately seek is Love. It is Belonging. It is Connection. It is Feeling Good about Who We Are."


Welcome all adult beings who intend no harm to one another. Black bodies, brown bodies, yellow, olive, red, and white are welcome here.

Gender non-conforming, non-binary, trans gender, trans man, trans woman, gender queer, gender fluid, trans questioning, cisgender woman & are welcome here.

Queer, omnisexual, bisexual, homosexual, gay, lesbian, pansexual, asexual, demisexual, heterosexual, are welcome here.

Polyamorous, celibate, open relationship, monogamous, married, divorced, are welcome here.

Kinky, vanilla, lifestyler, Dom/Domme, sub, Switch, Rope Top, Rope Bottom, not-into-it… you are welcome here.

Bodies of all adult ages, abilities, shapes, sizes and self expression… you are welcome here.

What is Sacred Sexuality?

The very nature of Sacred Sexuality is illustrated in the phrase itself, which brings these two words together: an invitation to experience the spiritual/sacred/intentional as embodied, physical, and sexual. Sacred Sexuality is a life path, a way of being that encompasses much more than sex as people commonly think of it. It's a powerful potential for healing our bodies, connecting deeply with others, manifesting our heart's desires, and illuminating a path of connection with Spirit, the Universe, the Divine.  

Together We Will

Build new relationships of trust with the Four Foundations: our bodies, each other, nature and the Earth as support and resource.

Learn tools to feel safe to trust the amount of power that moves through you.

Listen deeply to the body, and unwind old stories, patterns, trauma and information stored there.

Expand your capacity to access vital energy and feel the vibrancy of being alive.

Remember who you are and connect deeply with your soul purpose.

Claim your sexual sovereignty.

To Support You

As you listen to your body and build resilience to trust big sensation - whether that is:

They are all connected.

As we build this resilience, we open our body vessel to the vibrancy of being alive and being authentically who we are. We liberate our vital energy to be available to offer our deepest service and work in the world.

Feeling really good about feeling good! This is my wish for you. So that we create a culture of love and respect for our bodies, each other, ourselves, nature and the planet.

2024 UPDATE:

I have retired from private sessions. See more about the Book and BCST sessions at those tabs.

Much love and blessings to you :-)